• Dush pardasi avtomatik Grommet mashinasi
  • Automatic curtain eyelet machine

Dush pardasi avtomatik Grommet mashinasi

Dush pardasi uchun avtomatik rozetka mashinasi to'liq avtomatik rozetka bo'lib, u dush pardasiga rozetka va kir yuvish mashinasini avtomatik ravishda mahkamlash uchun ishlaydi. Maksimal quvvat 3600 dona / soatga yetishi mumkin.

Shower Curtain Automatic Grommet Machine RM-E35S

Shower Curtain Automatic Grommet Machine is fully-auto grommet machine which works to fix grommet and washer on shower curtain automatically. This machinery is workable for the different material of show curtain, like fabric, vinyl. Available for different sizes of shower curtain grommet and washer. The maximum capacity could reach 3600 pcs/hour.

This machine will automatically feed grommets and washers by vibrating bowl feeder, selecting grommets and washers automatically, the equipment will punch down when stepping on the foot pedal, grommet will self-piercing holes on bathroom curtain, to perform smooth grommet feeding and punching. Non-folds on curtain when eyeleting curtain.


Shower Curtain Automatic Grommet Machine is an automatic feeding grommet machine for fixing grommet on bathroom curtain. Which available for any kinds of show curtains or bathroom curtains, no matter any kinds of material and grommet and washers sizes.


Parameters of Shower Curtain Automatic Grommet Machine

  • Idoralar sertifikati: HA
  • Boshqaruv: Avtomatik oziqlantiruvchi ko'z va grommet, qadamli oyoq pedali
  • Maks. Imkoniyat: 3600 dona/soat
  • Tomoq chuqurligi: 130 mm
  • Ko'zoynak diametri: 3-35 mm
  • Harakatlanuvchi quvvat: Elektr boshqariladigan
  • Dvigatel: 375 Vt
  • Kuchlanishi: Moslashtirilgan 100V-240V 1 Faza/380V-415V 3 Faza 50/60 Gts
  • O'lchamlari: 600×680×1580 mm
  • Sof og'irlik: 180 kg

Specifications of Shower Curtain Automatic Grommet Machine

It is automatic grommet machine that adopts vibrating bowl to select eyelet and grommet, and sends it to the processing position, the whole process is automatic.

Ushbu mashina to'liq avtomatik boshqariladi, ishchilar tomonidan ikkita harakat qilish kerak.

  1. Feed grommet and washer in bulk feeder,
  2. Oyoq pedaliga qadam qo'ying.

Bathroom curtain fully automatic grommet fixing machine will perform stable processing, low noise. Automatic feeding eyelet machine is the latest eyeleting technology for attaching eyelet and grommet on bathroom curtain.

  • Save labor costs. Automatic feeding grommet for more efficient processing.
  • Oson ishlash. Ko'zni va rozetkani va kir yuvish mashinasini bo'lak-bo'lak bilan qo'lda oziqlantirish kerak emas.
  • Automatic feeding grommet machine adopts mechanical device to select grommet and washer, and send them to the processing position, the whole process is automatic.
  • Inson shikastlanishining oldini olish uchun xavfsizlik qurilmasi.
  • Joylashuvni aniqlash uchun raser nuri.
  • Rulman: eng yaxshi sifatli rulmanlardan foydalanish, shunga o'xshash rulmanlarning aşınmaya bardoshli darajasi 8-10 marta.
  • Qolib, qotishma po'latdan KD11 materialini qabul qiladi.
  • Pnevmatik boshqariladigan, tebranishlarni kamaytiradi, shovqinni samarali kamaytiradi.
  • Kichik maydonni oling, oson parvarishlash, ishchilar tomonidan eskirgan qismlarni almashtirish juda oson.
  • Mashinalar uchun 24 oy, puncherlar va qoliplar uchun 6 oy kafolat.