• Plne automatický stroj na nastavovanie závesových očiek
  • Curtain eyeleting samples for IKEA curtain
  • Eyelet curtain process by automatic eyelet machine

Plne automatický stroj na nastavovanie závesových očiek

Plne automatický stroj na nastavenie závesového očka je plne automatický stroj na pripevnenie závesového očka, ktorý automaticky zafixuje závesové očko a priechodku.

Fully Automatic Curtain Eyelet Setting Machine RM-E60C

Fully Automatic Curtain Eyelet Setting Machine is fully-auto curtain eyelet attaching machine which works to fix curtain eyelet and grommet automatically. This model of eyeleting machine is available to fixing eyelet with maximum outer diameter 60mm. The maximum capacity could be reach 1000 pcs/hour curtain eyelet punch processing.

It is an automatic feeding eyeleting machine that performs feeding eyelet and grommet automatically by vibrating bowl feeder, the machine will punch down when stepping on the foot pedal, to perform smooth eyelet feeding and curtain eyelet punch. Non-folds on curtain fabric when eyeleting curtain.


It is an automatic feeding eyeleting machine for fixing eyelet curtain with 60mm outer diameter eyelet and grommet. Upper eyelet and bottom eyelet parts will be automatically fed by vibrating bowl feeder.



  • ovládanie: Automatic feeding eyelet and grommet, step foot pedal
  • Max. Kapacita: 1000 Pcs/Hour
  • Hĺbka hrdla: 250 mm
  • Eyelet Diameter: 20-60mm
  • Poháňaný výkon: Pneumatický pohon
  • Motor: 550 W
  • Napätie: Prispôsobené 100V-240V 1 fáza/380V-415V 3 fázy 50/60 Hz
  • Pneumatický tlak: 3.5-4.5 bar (if pneumatic driven eyeleting machine)
  • Rozmery: 1000×960×1550 mm
  • Cista hmotnost: 506 Kgs

technické údaje

It is an automatic eyelet machine that adopts a vibrating bowl to select eyelet and grommet and send them to the processing position, the whole process is automatic.

This machine is driven by pneumatic power, to perform stable processing, low noise. Automatic feeding eyelet machine is the latest eyeleting technology for attaching eyelet and grommet on curtain fabric.

  • Ušetrite mzdové náklady. Automatické podávacie očko pre efektívnejšie spracovanie.
  • Easy operation. Workers operate the machine by stepping foot pedal and loading curtain fabric. No need manually feed eyelet and grommet.
  • Automatic feeding eyeleting machine adopts mechanical device to select eyelet and grommet, and send them to the processing position, the whole process is automatic.
  • Bezpečnostné zariadenia na zabránenie zraneniam ľudí.
  • Ložisko: Použitie najkvalitnejších ložísk, stupeň odolnosti proti opotrebeniu podobných ložísk 8-10 krát.
  • Forma používa materiál z legovanej ocele KD11.
  • Pneumatic driven, reduce vibration, effectively reduce noise.
  • Vezmite malú plochu, jednoduchú údržbu, veľmi ľahko vymeniteľné opotrebované diely pracovníkmi.
  • 24 months warranty for RM-E60C, 6 months for punchers and dies sets.

Fully Automatic Curtain Eyelet Fixing MachineHigh Production Curtain Eyelet MachineAutomatic Curtain Eyelet Attaching Machine